The world is filled with man-made medicines creams ointments, and supplies; nature is left far behind somewhere. People are returning to the old organic remedies to solve their daily problems. This is a quite relief for anyone to use anything without side effects or synthetic products. In this article we will discuss various health related organic remedies and you can say Organic Remedies Dispensary. These remedies will not be effective unless all the ingredients are not organic and for your convenience we will guide you  how you can buy organic products. 

1. Cough & Cold Organic Remedy

Honey is the best and purest ingredient to use for sore throat. Cough and cold can be treated by using honey. It works as an antimicrobial ingredient. Its thick consistency coats the throat and treats bacterial microbes. Honey can be found in several parts of the world. For this purpose we recommend you to buy Organic Mountain Forest Light Amber Honey or any organic honey. 

2. Burning Fat, and Treating Nausea, and Inflammation

Ginger is best for burning fat, and treating nausea, and inflammation. It is being used for treating morning sickness, stomach bugs, motion etc ginger can be used as a tea and can also be used in powder form. For this purpose we recommend you Organic Ground Ginger Root powder form or any  other organic ginger root powder of authentic brand. 

3. Digestive Health Remedy

Peppermint is very good for digestive health it gives relief in digestion gas is also known for coming to the digestive tract if any problem is done it gives quick relief.

4. Lungs Congestion Remedy

Eucalyptus is very good for your health it is it gives relief to the lungs when there is any congestion it comes down irritation after having a Sinus problem eat a few leaves in boiling water cover your head with a towel inhale the steam and clear your throat by inhaling and exhale by mouth the steam clear the airways.

5. Treating Anxiety and Stress

Lavender is known for treating anxiety and stress. Its oil is essential and known for treating stress. A few drops of Lavender oil can be put in the bucket of water to take a bath. it will help to release anxiety and relax by taking a bath with Lavender oil in it.

6. Skin Irritation Remedy

It is a natural herb found almost in all areas of the world and easily available in any area except the cold ones. It is the natural remedy for skin irritation for example Sunburn, minor burns. it is also used to soothe and it is used for the anti-inflammatory properties. It promotes healing.

7. Remedy for Stress and Joints Pain Remedy

Turmeric is very good for calming down stress caused by pain. it contain curcumin. A compound with potential anti-inflammatory properties. it is also used in food as a supplement. it reduces the pain in joints and helps in inflammation.

8. Heart Burn Remedy

Apple Cider helps to relieve heartburn symptoms. It can be used by dilute a tea spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before meal to aid the digestion. It is very good when veins are block. It helps to open them and get thinner the blood in blood vessels.

9 . Boosting the Immune System

Garlic is very good to boost the immune. It is anti microbial and it is also anti inflammatory. It incorporates garlic in meals and helps in illness and infections.


Natural and organic remedies are very powerful and maintain the health and well being by a very cheap ingredients. These ingredients are mostly found at home in kitchen. It can be used for Healthcare and professionally advisable by the elders. It helps in chronic and severe conditions. Lifestyle can be changed by using the natural Herbs and ingredients at home effectively.

Read Articles regarding Uses of Honey for Health

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